Hallux Vagus

Hallux Valgus is a common condition of the foot. It causes deformity of the bones and soft tissue imbalance at the same time, leading to a functional and cosmetic deformity.

The big toe leans towards the 2nd toe, rather than pointing straight ahead. This produces a bump (bunion) which over a period of time becomes increasingly prominent.

The exact etiology is still unclear. Many different factors including footwear, genetic predisposition and biomechanical factors have been commonly associated with this condition.

Non-surgical treatment options include; changes in footwear, padding, activity modification, NSAIDs, Icepacks.

When non-surgical options fail, surgical options i.e. Wilson’s Osteotomy – (paper has been published by me in the Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery) is one such procedure that corrects the bony deformity and soft-tissue imbalance at the same time, giving good functional and cosmetic results.

P. D. HINDUJA NATIONAL HOSPITAL, Veer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai - 400 016.

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